The Cotentin windmill


Located on the heath of Fierville les Mines, the Cotentin Windmill site offers an exceptional panoramic view of the Côte des Isles.

This magnificent testimony of the past was built in 1744 and was renovated in 1997 to allow it to function again. It is one of the few windmills that still grinds wheat, spelt and buckwheat.

During your stay in Normandy, go through this unusual step. You will discover the profession of miller during a visit to the working mill.

The site will also offer you the possibility to eat in the old miller’s house. Come and have a picnic in a calm and green environment. You may also stroll through the barn that houses the local produce shop where you will also find the flours produced by the mill.

The Cotentin Windmill offers workshops for young and old on the themes of bread, wind and nature all year round.

Open from February to November, consult us for timetables.

Opening time

From February to November, please contact us for more information.


Adult prices: 5.00 €.
Reduced price 12-25 years old: 3,50 €
Children's price 6-11 years old: 1,50 €

Access / Contact

The Cotentin windmill
23, rue de la Lande

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