
Discovery tour of the Côte des Isles in Normandy


From Cherbourg:

Leave Cherbourg and take the D64 towards Vasteville/Héauville. After this village, turn left into a bend, a pretty 16th century manor house. Continue to Siouville.

SIOUVILLE: Seaside resort.

Vast beach of fine sand. Thalassotherapy centre. At the Calvary, turn right onto the D4. In the

downhill, nice view.

DIELETTE: Small picturesque village with granite houses coiled at the foot of the cliff, Marina,

port of embarkation to the Channel Islands. Nuclear power plant. Continue on the D4 towards Flamanville.

FLAMANVILLE: The Cape of Flamanville rises to 90 m on the site of the former semaphore located on the GR223. Very beautiful panorama on the Channel Islands. 17th and 18th century castle, partially surrounded by a moat (park open to visitors). After Flamanville, turn right on the D517 towards Sciotot.

SCIOTOT: In the magnificent descent panorama.

LE ROZEL: Castle with, in its eastern part, towers and moats from the 11th and 13th centuries. After the church of Le Rozel, turn left on the D62 towards the D904 which runs along the market garden of Surtainville towards


BARNEVILLE-CARTERET: With its three centres, Carteret, Barneville and Barneville Plage, it has the charm of old seaside resorts and the animation of a well sheltered port at the bottom of its harbour. Boarding point for the Channel Islands.

In Carteret, the ruins of the 12th century Saint Germain church overlooking the sea, the dune site of Hattainville, the lighthouse and the semaphore can be discovered by walking along the customs path around the cape. Continue on the D903 for 4.5 km then take the D50 to the right towards Portbail.

PORTBAIL: Picturesque town built on a backdrop of a harbour. Remains of a Gallo-Roman baptistery, reconstructed church (statuary 15th and 16th classified as a Historic Monument) then at the crossroads of Canville-la-Rocque (church with 15th century wall fresco representing the paths of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle), take the D15 towards Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte.

MARTINVAST: Church of the Xth century classified as a Historical Monument. Neo-Gothic castle of the Xle, 16th, 19th centuries elected in 1999 among the 7 wonders of the English Channel. Its floral park is classified ISMH.

Local producers, historical monuments, immense beaches: discover the Côte des Isles in the Cotentin region

The Cotentin, and more precisely the Côte des Isles is a delicate, welcoming and astonishing land. You will find historic sights such as the Parc Manor House, pretty seaside resorts like Portbail and Barneville-Carteret and local producers showcasing their know-how like Lessay Hams or the Maison du Biscuit.

Start your discovery tour of the Côte des Isles with the Parc Manor House, a medieval manor house that also has an organic farm. Come and see the bulls, sheep and different breeds of Normandy cows. You can even spend a medieval night in the Bacchus cottage.

Continue your tour of the Côte des Isles by visiting Portbail, a beautiful seaside resort located in a haven on the west coast of the Cotentin. Go for a walk in the town centre to explore its historical sites like the church of Notre Dame and then go from the town center to the beach by taking the thirteen arch bridge that was built in 1873.

You can then soak in the atmosphere of Barneville-Carteret with its Belle Epoque houses, the Carteret cubicles, its cape and its sand dunes of Hatainville.

From Barneville-Carteret take the speedboat to go on an excursion and explore the Channel Islands. You have Jersey, Guernsey, Aurigny etc. A complete change of scenery is guaranteed.

To finish such a beautiful day, we suggest you go to some local producers to taste and discover their delicious products. The Lessay Hams offer their delicious hams that have been smoked on a wooden fire.

Afterwards let yourselves be guided towards the Maison du Biscuit in Sortosville-en-Beaumont to taste their delicious biscuits. The family biscuit firm has been able to share and hand down its ancestral know-how through five generations for the pleasure of our gourmet taste buds. Go to their early 1900’s style tearoom located next to the shop, and you can discover their delicious financier cakes.

Find the selection of addresses of Cotentin Tourisme, and enjoy a unique stay in the Cotentin region.

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