
La Pernelle – view point

La Pernelle – view point

Come and admire the exceptional viewpoint of the Pernelle, which is situated on a hill that is 123 meters high between Barfleur and Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue, and has a view over all the Saire valley, the Tatihou Island and the Hougue.

Prolong your discovery of the tourist sites of the east coast of the Cotentin, by taking the GR223 path.

Our tip Discover the Gatteville lighthouse, the Vauban towers, the Hougue fort and authentic villages like Barfleur, Saint-Vaast-La-Hougue and Quettehou.

For more information, contact the tourist office:

Bureau de l’office de tourisme du Cotentin à Saint-Pierre-Eglise

Place de l’Abbé de Saint-Pierre

50330 Saint-Pierre-Église

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